
Minecraft 1.0.0 szerver

/godon - Enable godmode
/godoff - Disable Godmode
/shutdown - Shutdown Server
/cmdbin - CommandBin Command
/ban - Ban a player
/unban - Unban a player
/fsay - Say a message as someone else
/freeze - Freeze a player
/unfreeze - Unfreeze a player
/survival - Change your gamemode
/creative - Change your gamemode
/handicap - Handicap a player
/unhandicap - Unhandicap a player
/home - Teleport to your home
/sethome - Set your home
/join - Join message
/leave - Leave message
/kick - Kick a player
/msg - Message somebody
/m - Message somebody
/mute - Mute a player
/unmute - Unmute a player
/nick - Set your nickname
/paid - Check to see if a user has paid for MC
/ping - Pong
/shoot - Shoot a player
/strike - Strike a player
/heal - Heal a player
/feed - Feed a player
/explode - Make a player explode
/light - Light a player on fire
/slap - Slap a player
/clear - Clear a players inventory
/kill - Kill a player
/me - Simple me message
/loc - Get your co-ordinates
/say - Say a message
/mob - Spawn a mob
/tp - Teleport to a player
/tphere - Teleport a player to you
/tp2p - Teleport one player to another
/spawn - Teleport to your world spawn
/setspawn - Set your world spawn
/tpall - Teleport all players to you
/put - Put a player where you are looking at
/time - Change the time
/mytime - Change your own time
/warp - Teleport to a warp
/setwarp - Set a warp location
/delwarp - Delete a warp
/weather - Change the weather
/who - Get information of a player
/createworld - Create a new world
/tpworld - Teleport to a world
/unloadworld - Unload a world
/xp - Change your XP
/snick - Change your title
/scape - Change your cape
/sskin - Change your skin

Tessék a commandok!!!

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 4
Tegnapi: 2
Heti: 4
Havi: 4
Össz.: 5 163

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